Where to see mountain gorillas in Uganda

Where to see mountain gorillas in Uganda

Uganda is found in the eastern part of Africa and is home to half of the mountain gorilla population in the world. These gorillas live within the Virunga ranges. Mountain gorillas in Uganda live in forested mountain areas which suit their conditions to live within the area. The region they live in is shared by the 3 countries: Uganda, Congo, and Rwanda. The gorillas are of two species types: the eastern gorillas found in the Democratic Republic of Congo and mountain gorillas in both Uganda and Rwanda.

Mountain gorillas in Uganda are habituated for travelers to see them in their natural habitat. Gorilla habituation started in 1990 and the first family was opened for the gorilla trekking in 1993. The Mubare family was the first family set for the gorilla trekking in Uganda and currently, there are over 19 families set for the gorilla trekking.

Destinations for the mountain gorillas in Uganda

Rwanda gorilla trekking safari
Gorillas in Uganda

In Uganda, there are two gorilla trekking destinations in southwestern Uganda in the Virunga region.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

The park is located in the Kanungu district covering a total area of 321 square kilometers of land. The park contains a large number of the biosphere which is over 3000 years. This was the first park to start the gorilla trekking in 1993 and the gorilla habituation in 1990. The first gorilla family was Mubare family was set for gorilla trekking in Uganda Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is accessed by both air and road transport.

Bwindi’s impenetrable national park has four sectors which make it easier the see the mountain gorillas within the park. The sectors include the Buhoma, Rushaga, Ruhija and Nkuringo.  All these sectors have a quite number of gorilla families. Rushaga sector is the oldest sector and it is near to the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. This sector favors travelers on a Uganda safari to see mountain gorillas from Rwanda.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

The park is located in the last district of Uganda Kisoro and the park covers a total area of 33.7 square kilometers of land. The park originates its name from the volcanic rocks “Gahinga’’ which the locals usually clear on their farm lands. The park was gazette as a sanctuary in 1930 and later gazetted as a national park in 1991.   The park has one habituated family which is transboundary. The park has a lot of volcanic features like the mountains Sabyinyo, Gahinga, and Muhavura. These features have a lot of exciting views of the area.

What are the featured safaris for travelers to see mountain gorillas in Uganda?

There are several safaris in Uganda that travelers can book to see the mountain gorillas in Uganda.

  • 3 days Uganda gorilla safaris
  • 6 days Uganda gorilla safaris
  • 8 days Uganda primate safaris
  • 5 days gorilla and chimpanzee habituation
  • 18 days Uganda and Rwanda wildlife.
What are the requirements to see mountain gorillas in Uganda?

Travelers plan a Uganda safari to see mountain gorillas and some of these include;

  • Travelers should have a valid gorilla trekking permit indicating the park for the gorilla trekking.
  • Travelers are recommended to have waterproof equipment since the weather changes at any time in the forest.
  • Clothing for gorilla trekking should have dull colors.
  • Travelers are recommended to have mosquito repellents.
  • Travelers are also required to be physically healthy for them to do gorilla trekking.
  • Travelers should also book packages locating the gorilla trekking activity
  • Travelers are required to have booked their gorilla permit in advance to ensure availability.

How much does a gorilla trekking permit cost?

The gorilla trekking permit is an identification document that allows travelers to see the gorillas in the different parks of Uganda. The document is issued by the governing body Uganda Wildlife Authority. The travelers are required to have a copy of their passport or identification card. This ensures the right person is doing the gorilla trekking in the park. This helps the government to know the groups, status, and class of people to do the gorilla trekking. Then the government sets its marketing strategy.

The gorilla permits in Uganda cost 800 dollars for the foreign nonresidents, 700 dollars for the foreign residents, and 300,000 Uganda shillings for the East African citizens. Also, the gorilla habituation permits are available for travelers who tend to spend more time seeing the gorillas in the parks. The gorilla habituation permits cost about 1500 dollars for foreign nonresidents, 1000 dollars for foreign residents, and 750000uganda shillings for East African citizens.

What other activities can one do during the visit to the mountain gorillas in Uganda?

There are several activities that travelers can engage in during a safari to see the mountain gorillas.

Long walk Rushura Hill

The walk takes you to an elevation of about 2500 meters above sea level. This walk takes you deep into the Bwindi impenetrable national park. Though it is a long walk, but so experiencing and it is a good trail for travelers who are photogenic. During the walk, you will have views of the Queen Elizabeth National Park, lake Geoge, and mountain Rwenzori on a clear day.

The long walk from Buhoma to Nkuringo

The walk from the Buhoma to Nkuringo takes you deep into the jungles of the Bwindi impenetrable national park. The walk starts from the northern part of the park which is Buhoma to the southern part Nkuringo and vice versa. During the walk, you will see other several wildlife like primates, butterflies, bird species, and other forest mammals and plant species.

Game viewing

This is another activity that travelers usually engage in during their visit to see mountain gorillas in Uganda. The activity is usually done in the savannah parks of Uganda like the Queen Elizabeth National Park, Murchison Falls National Park, and many others. The game viewing is done in the 4×4 safari van with a pop-up roof which eases the view of the wildlife. The wildlife viewed includes lions, leopards, elephants, and many others.

Chimpanzee trekking

This is another activity that aids one in seeing the large primates of Uganda. The chimpanzees are the closest cousins of man sharing about 98%of the DNA. These chimpanzees live in the forested areas of the country and they are viewed during the chimpanzee trekking and the chimpanzee habituation. The activity usually lasts about 2 to 6 hours of the day. In Uganda, the chimpanzee can be seen in the Kibale National Park, Kyambura Gorge, Kilinzu Forest Reserve, Ngamba Chimpanzee Sanctuary, and many others.

Boat cruise

The boat cruise or the boat safari is done on the different water bodies of Uganda. The water bodies include the Lake Gorge, Victoria, Victoria Nile, river Nile and many others. During the Boat cruise, the travelers will see different wildlife like elephants, Nile crocodiles, zebras, hippos, and much other wildlife.

What is the best time to see the mountain gorillas in Uganda?

The mountain gorillas can be seen all year round within the parks. The best time to see the gorillas is from June to September and December to February. During this month, the country is experiencing the dry season and the park is dry to ease the trekking to different parts of the park to see the mountain gorillas. Travelers who are planning to see the mountain gorillas in Uganda are required to book in advance to ensure availability and also have the best thrilling adventure while seeing the gorillas.

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