How many Gorilla permits available in Uganda Daily?

How many Gorilla permits available in Uganda Daily?

Uganda offers a total of 176 gorilla permits daily. These permits are available for two different experiences in two national parks:

  1. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park:
    • Bwindi has 20 habituated gorilla families across four sectors: Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga, and Nkuringo.
    • Each family can be visited by a group of 8 tourists per day.
    • This makes a total of 160 gorilla permits available in Bwindi daily.
  2. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park:
    • Mgahinga has 1 habituated gorilla family, known as the Nyakagezi group.
    • This group also allows 8 visitors per day.
    • Therefore, 8 gorilla permits are available in Mgahinga daily.

Thus, combining both parks, Uganda offers a total of 168 gorilla trekking permits per day.

In addition, there are 8 gorilla habituation experience permits available daily in Bwindi, allowing tourists to spend more time (up to 4 hours) with gorillas undergoing habituation, making the total 176 permits.

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