Rhino tracking rates in Uganda.

Rhino tracking rates in Uganda.

Rhino tracking rates in Uganda.

The guided rhino tracking fees in Uganda, at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, vary depending on the status of the visitor: Ugandan, East African, or international tourist, group size, and other optional activities. As such, I will give a general overview of what one can expect during the planning of a rhino tracking adventure in Uganda:

Rhino Tracking Rates

International Tourists

The cost generally ranges at about 50 dollars per person for international tourists, including rhino tracking. This fee covers professional ranger guides who will take you on the walking safari in search of these great animals.

East African Residents (including Uganda)

This is typically a bit cheaper for East African residents at about $30 USD per person. This rate includes Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, and South Sudan.

Ugandan Citizens

Ugandan citizens usually pay something like UGX 20,000 – UGX 30,000 per head for the rhino tracking adventure; hence, it’s relatively cheap for the locals.

Other Costs

Guided Birding Walks

For the enthusiasts of bird watching, guided walks take place at a cost of about USD 30 per person for international visitors and less for East African residents and Ugandan nationals.

Nature Walks and Night Walks

Other activities may be offered, such as nature walks or night walks, which take place at an extra cost, often beginning from 15 to 30 USD per person, based on the nature of the activity concerned and visitor category.


These range from budget camping to mid-range lodges, and the prices vary between these. It is highly recommended to book in advance, especially during peak travel seasons.

How to Book and Pay

It is very advisable to book the rhino tracking experience well in advance, especially if traveling during the high season-March to May and September to November.The entrance fees to the sanctuary can normally be paid at the entrance itself or through tour operators that are authorized to sell them, and most of these accept both cash and major credit cards.

Important Tips

The tracking fee covers a guided experience with a trained ranger who will ensure your safety and provide insight into the behavior of the rhinos, as well as conservation measures in place.
Children below the age of 6 – 8 years may not be tracked for safety reasons.
Remember to put on comfortable walking shoes, carry enough water, and heed all the instructions that will be given by your guide for safety purposes.
Rhino tracking is a very unique and intimate wildlife experience and a contribution to the conservation of these endangered animals. Rates remain fairly reasonable, offering good value, especially since your visit directly impacts the efforts put forth for the conservation of Uganda’s rhino population.

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