Top Rhino tracking safari in Uganda.

Top Rhino tracking safari in Uganda.

Top Rhino tracking safari in Uganda.

Uganda is a land of some of Earth’s most dramatic landscapes and teeming with diverse wildlife. From this theatre comes an array of newer safari experiences. Among them, one of the most exciting happens to be rhino tracking-an extremely rare opportunity to see one of Africa’s Big Five in their natural habitat.

Rhino tracking in Uganda happens at the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, mainly because it is the only place you can achieve a sighting of these creatures outside of sanctuaries. Here is all you need to know for the best rhino tracking safari in Uganda.

Finding Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

About 170 kilometers north of Kampala en route to Murchison Falls National Park, Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is a 70-square-kilometer wildlife reserve for the protection and reintroduction of rhinos into Uganda’s national parks.

Founded in 2005, the sanctuary was born of a joint project between the Rhino Fund Uganda and the Uganda Wildlife Authority with the view to restocking the country’s Rhino population, which had been wiped out by poaching and civil war in the 1980s.

Nowadays, Ziwa is a home for more than 30 southern white rhinos and an important breeding site for those magnificently featured animals. The ultimate goal is to return the rhinos to Uganda’s national parks once the population is stable enough. The Sanctuary is a safe home not only for rhinos but also for many other species of wild life: antelopes, monkeys, and more than 300 species of birds.

Tracking the Rhinos

Rhino tracking in Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is a guided walking safari that brings you up close to these amazing creatures. This experience varies from all the rest, with the sense that one takes a walk on foot within the sanctuary with a knowledgeable ranger who ensures one’s safety while informing you about the rhinos’ behaviors, ecology, and conservation efforts.

The duration of the trek normally takes approximately 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on the location of the rhinos within the sanctuary. As you walk through the bush, you may be able to observe the rhinos in their natural setting, grazing, interacting, or simply doing whatever they do daily.

Top Rhino tracking safari in Uganda.

This close encounter is not only an adventurous moment but, at the same time, heart-touching, reminding us how important conservation efforts are toward the protection of these endangered giants.

Tracking rhinos at Ziwa is relatively easy since the landscape is mostly flat and vegetation is not too thick. As such, most visitors are able to have access to it. However, comfortable walking shoes, plenty of water, and following instructions from your ranger will help ensure that you have a safe and pleasurable experience.

Additional Activities at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

Besides tracking rhinos, Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary offers a number of other activities to make your safari well-rounded. One of the most popular activities is birding; it definitely is a haven for those who love birds with species such as shoebill stork, African fish eagle, and several kingfishers. A guided walking safari birding activity that cuts across the different types of habitats within the sanctuary, where you can revel in this rich avifauna, visualizing these birds and their photos.

Those willing to see even more sanctuary wildlife, nature walks, and night walks offer spotting at night or other animals like bushbucks, oribi, and reptiles. In particular, the night walks are very exciting, as they now allow you to encounter nocturnal species like porcupines and aardvarks, adding a different dimension to your safari adventure.

Planning Your Rhino Tracking Safari

Rhino tracking safaris in Uganda are so rewarding, and one can combine this with other top safari destinations in the country. The location of Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary comes in handy for a perfect stopover en route to Murchison Falls National Park, a great destination for game drives, boat cruises, and hikes up to the top of the falls.

Pre-bookings for the rhino tracking permits are advisable during peak travel seasons. Various accommodation options are offered in the sanctuary, which range from budget to mid-range: from camping and guesthouses to more comfortable lodges. You can even consider adjacent towns like Masindi or drive a bit further to Murchison Falls for more options.

Rhino tracking in Uganda is so much more than a safari; it is a journey into conservation whereby one gets to witness firsthand the efforts that have gone into the protection of one of Africa’s iconic species. Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary offers not only an unforgettable wildlife experience but also plays a major role in the broad conservation landscape of Uganda.

Take part in this rhino tracking safari and help to ensure that these magnificent creatures will live on for future generations to come. Whether you are a wildlife lover, a supporter of nature conservation, or just another individual looking for a different kind of safari experience, rhino tracking in Uganda is an experience that one should never miss.

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