
12 Days Uganda wildlife safari

12 Days


Upon arrival at Entebbe International Airport, you will be received by our company representative who will be your driver guide who will bbrief you and transfer you to your booked accommodation, check-in freshen up. Dinner and overnight

Early in the morning, have breakfast and drive to Ziwa rhino sanctuary, once there you will proceed for an hour on foot rhino tracking. From Rhino tracking, head to Masindi town for lunch. After lunch, embark on the transfer to Murchison falls national park.
The highlights of this park include the roaring rapids of the Murchison falls, the rolling plains of Uganda’s largest national park where you will have a chance of viewing lions, giraffes, hartebeest, buffalo, elephants and then surely the concentration of hippos and the Nile crocodiles here will fascinate you.

Have breakfast, depart for an early morning game drive across the rolling plains of uganda’s largest national park and be on the lookout for wildlife, bird species and return to the lodge for some rest and lunch. After lunch you will head out for the boat trip to the base of Murchison falls where you will also see more animals including Hippos, nile crocodiles and several water birds. If interested continue with a hike to the top of the falls. The hike may be a strenuous one but the thrill on reaching the top is unforgettable.
Return to your accommodation and relax.

We will have an early breakfast and then drive to the top of falls to truly appreciate the beauty and magnificence of the Murchison falls. From the top, we shall embark on a transfer that will see us overnight at the edge of kibale national park. The drive is quite long but incredibly scenic passing through villages, lush green countryside and hills dotted with tea plantations that characterize this part of Uganda. The beautiful scenery will amaze you all the way. Upon arrival at the accommodation, check in and just relax.

You will experience some serious primate business in kibale national park, boasts the highest number of primate species in the world including chimpanzee live in the wild in Uganda wchich makes it a perfect place to spot them, an experienced ranger will take you on chimp tracking in the morning.
The activity begins at 8:00 am with a briefing regarding the rules of trekking the chimps.
Afterwards you will set off to search for them in the forest once you locate the chimpanzees you will have a full hour with them. You will then return to the lodge for lunch after proceed to Bigodi wetland excursion. The bigodi wetland boasts of extensive array of biodiversity among which are several primates, it’s also a paradise for bird watchers. Among the major bird species within the area is the great blue turaco.

After breakfast, you will leave for Queen Elizabeth national park. The drive will reward you with great views of Rwenzori mountain ranges as well as game viewing. You will have lunch at the booked lodge. In the afternoon, you will have a boat cruise on kazinga channel for 2 hours. This will take you past very large populations of Hippos and several other animals drinking water.
The boat cruise offers you a great chance for photography, game viewing as well as bird watching. After there we will head back to your accommodation for dinner and night.

Begin the day with a game drive in the morning just after an early breakfast.
Along the kasenyi and queen’s plains, there are chances of seeing elephants, lions, ug kobs, buffaloes, waterbucks, and warthogs plus various bird species. The drive will take you upto lake George whereafter you return for lunch at the lodge. After lunch you will explore the crater lakes region with stunning calming views and later dine and slumber at your lodge.

You will have an early breakfast and set off with a packed lunch (or have lunch in Ishasha) to Ishasha sector in search of climbing lions. The chance of spotting these lions is about 70% though sometimes they are hard to spot (most especially when on ground) should you get to spot them the sight is picturesque and memorable. From Ishasha, we shall continue to the accommodation at the edge of Bwindi impenetrable forest national park arriving in the evening.

Have breakfast and move to the rangers’ post. You will receive some briefing (from a ranger guide) on the do’s and don’ts during trekking. Thereafter you will enter the Bwindi forest for your adventure. The time taken and the terrain varies with movements of these great primates. Once you have located a gorilla group, you will be allowed an hour in its presence. The thrill of spending time observing these gentle but endangered giants is unforgettable. Return to the accommodation, check out and transfer to lake bunyonyi. Lake bunyonyi is framed by lush green terraced hills that reach a height of 2200m – 2478m but it’s the 29 islands of various shapes and sizes scattered across the water that make it most magical, you could admire them all day.

After days of long drives and of course the strenuous gorilla trekking in Bwindi, this day is at your disporsal for relaxation. All meals will be served at the accommodation optional (at extra cost) should you wish to go out for an activity, you may consider the following; a historical islands tour, visit to batwa community, nyombe swamp, excursion, mountain bike cycling, zip lining, canoeing or kayaking on the lake. The activity can be arranged on site with the help of your driver guide. Enjoy your stay.

Have breakfast and set off to lake mburo national park via Mbarara city. You will arrive at the accommodation in lake mburo in time and rest before moving out for an afternoon- evening game drive.
Expect to see the giant eland, zebras, topis, impalas, cape buffaloes etc and later on relax at the accommodation where you will spend the night. (optional at an extra cost) if interested you may consider the night game drive to encounter nocturnal creatures which will be a rare sighting compared to the regular daytime sightings.

Enjoy your early breakfast and proceed to lake mburo for a morning nature park walk in presence of an armed UWA ranger guide. On this early morning guided walk, you will see the giraffes, elands, defassa waterbucks, topis, cape buffaloes among others. You will take the trail to the top of the hills and see lake mburo and beyond, from this point you will have a great view of nine of the twelve lakes surrounding lake mburo national park.
Thereafter, return to the accommodation for checkout and then hit the road to Entebbe to catch a flight or hotel of your choice.

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12 Days Uganda wildlife safari
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