tips to plan Uganda Safari

Tips to plan the best Uganda Safari

Know these before you go!!

The top tips to plan the best Uganda Safari; everything you must know from the word go. Being one of the top tourist destinations in the world, Uganda is the perfect destination for a tour, trip, or safari. Uganda is a safe tourism destination blessed with different game parks, game reserves, many towns, villages, cities, mountains, lakes, forests rivers, to mention but a few. When deciding to embark on a Uganda Safari, the first step is deciding which experience you want when you visit Uganda.

These experiences include boat cruises, hiking, mountain gorilla trekking, game drive, spot fishing, chimpanzee trekking, bird watching, cultural, and game drive, to mention but a few. Are you looking forward to planning a student Uganda safari, trip or tour, family journey, trip or tour, solo tour, safari, or trip group safari trip or tour in Uganda also known as the‘’ pearl of Africa’’ due to her breathtaking beauty?

Top 10 tips to plan the best Uganda Safari

Below is a summary and detailed information or tips to help you plan the best Uganda safari for better experiences.

  1. Determine your interests
  2. Choose the right time to visit
  3. Book for your activities and accommodation
  4. Buy travel insurance
  5. Book your flight
  6. Check your visa requirements
  7. Medical requirements
  8. Pack appropriately
  9. Exchange currency
  10. Read more about your destination
Determine your interests

As a person who would like to go to a given destination, one must have interests either in the destination, activities done there, or attractions found there.  As mentioned above, Uganda is a diverse country in nature and it has many attractions that one can choose to visit, these attractions include; mountain gorillas so if you are looking forward to trekking mountain gorillas you can visit. Bird spotting or watching, if you are an avian friend Uganda has lots of spotting places and is the best option. Boat cruising, if you are interested in sailing on a boat while watching different animals, Uganda has many water bodies for you to cruise on.

tips to plan Uganda Safari

Mountain hiking, if you are interested in climbing up mountains for adventure, Uganda has beautiful mountains that give you a chance to excite your heart. Wild game drive if you are excited about having game drives and spotting different wild animals, Uganda has many game parks where this activity is done. Chimpanzee trekking, as for you who love chimpanzees, Uganda holds the highest number of chimpanzees in the whole world, to mention but a few. So, if you are b   0020 planning to visit Uganda you can opt for a chimpanzee trekking Uganda safari, mountain hiking Uganda.

Choose the right time to visit

Uganda is crossed by the equator line dividing the country into two hemispheres – the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. Uganda experiences two seasons throughout the whole year which are the dry season and the wet season. The dry season is experienced during June – September and December- February.

The dry season of the year is the best time to visit Uganda since during this period all activities of tourism can be carried out or done. Activities such as Gorilla and Chimpanzee trekking, and bird watching can be done since the trekking trails are dry and not as slippery as they would be in the wet season. Although some tourism activities can be done during the wet season, you should visit Uganda during the dry season for a better experience and a successful Uganda safari or Uganda tour.

Booking your activities and accommodations

After confirming your time of travel, it is always better to make bookings of not only accommodation facilities but also booking activities to be done during your Uganda safari. This goes mostly to you who are going for a chimpanzee or gorilla trekking safari in Uganda. Gorilla or chimpanzee trekking permits should be booked first thing before you visit Uganda by yourself or with the help of a travel company to avoid hustling. Accommodation facilities booked should not be very far from where the activity or activities you came for. For example, those who have come for chimpanzee trekking should stay close to where the trekking will kick off.

Buy travel insurance

As a traveler, it is always good to look out for any possible danger that you may encounter during your tour, safari, or trip. You should consider being insured to have a backup plan or second option when you find any challenges during your trip such challenges may include medical, accidents, and theft, to mention but a few. Also, not forgetting that travel insurance is essential mostly in Africa where flights are canceled by airlines all the time but if you have travel insurance, you can be compensated.

Book your flight

Having done the above things, then you should think about booking a flight to your destination which is Uganda. Depending on where you are coming from, Uganda flights are very expensive and limited at the same time so it is always better to book your flight days before. Try checking if the airline you’re about to use corresponds with Entebbe International Airport (EBB) which happens to be Uganda‘s only international airport. In case you are to take more than one flight, try communicating your international flights to your local operator when booking so that they are responsible for airport transfers and first-night hotel stay.

Check your visa requirements

Months before you leave, you need to ask your travel consultant or visit a website to know if a visa is needed to visit Uganda or not. If yes you should get to know what the requirements are for one to acquire one. If you need it or not that is based on your nationality, in case you need one you can apply and obtain it online. By visiting Uganda immigration websites. If you do not need one, you may have to be with a valid passport for at least six months from the date of entry. Single visas are also issued valid for three months while group visas are valid for six months.

Medical requirements.

Before traveling to Uganda for at least two months it is advisable to first visit a travel clinic so that you ask about vaccines needed to travel to Uganda. Hepatitis A, typhoid, and rabies are good to have before visiting Uganda. You should also not forget to get a yellow fever vaccine. Q yellow fever vaccination card will be required of you as a condition of entry into the country for your Uganda safari or Uganda trip.  Remember malaria is all over the place and also a malaria vaccine under your doctor‘s supervision is advisable to get. You should also have an up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination card.

Pack appropriately

You should go on and visit any website and find out what you should pack according to which type of activity you are visiting Uganda for. Let’s say if you are visiting mountain hiking you should pack hiking shoes and, a hiking bag pack, to mention but a few. If you are visiting for either Chimpanzee or Gorilla trekking, you should pack long-sleeved shirts or blouses, hats, sunscreen, sunglasses, and drinking water bottles, to mention but a few. As you are packing just put it in mind that every activity to be done or carried out has its specific items that you should put in consideration when packing.

Exchange currency

Since you are going to visit Uganda, you should plan on exchanging your money into Uganda currency since it is not safe to travel with lots of money on the streets while from forex bureaus. Or you can decide to visit Forex bureaus immediately upon arrival at the airport to avoid any form of inconvenience. During your stay in Uganda or your Uganda safari.

Read more about your destination

Putting in more effort and doing more research about Uganda as your destination is the best thing to do. This should be done so that you widen your knowledge about Uganda using different platforms or sources of information. Some of these platforms to visit include travel guidebooks, websites, phrasebooks, and fictional books, to mention but a few.

By following the above tips, you will be able to have an unforgettable Uganda safari experience of your life.

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