Chimpanzee Trekking in Nyungwe

A Guide to Chimpanzee Trekking in Nyungwe National Park

Are you planning to do chimpanzee trekking in Nyungwe National Park? Nyungwe National Park, nestled in the picturesque landscapes of southwestern Rwanda, is a haven of biodiversity and natural wonders. Spanning over 1,000 square kilometers, this protected area is renowned for its lush rainforest, scenic terrain, and captivating wildlife. Among its many treasures, one experience stands out as truly exceptional: chimpanzee trekking. Embark on a remarkable adventure into the heart of Nyungwe National Park and unravel the mysteries of our closest primate relatives.

An insight into the Chimpanzee Trekking Experience

Chimpanzee trekking in Nyungwe National Park offers an unparalleled opportunity to observe these intelligent beings in their natural habitat. One of the most sought after safari activities done in Rwanda is chimpanzee trekking. It is important to note that chimpanzee trekking in Rwanda can only be done in Nyungwe National Park. The park is also home to other primates including baboons, red-tailed monkeys, golden monkeys, and many more. Here is a glimpse into what you can expect during this extraordinary journey.

Permits and Preparation

Prior to setting foot in Nyungwe, securing a chimpanzee trekking permit is essential. These permits, issued by the Rwanda Development Board (RDB), grant you access to encounter the chimpanzees. It is advisable to book your permit well in advance, as availability is limited. Once you have your permit, make sure you are physically prepared for the trek by engaging in fitness activities and packing appropriate gear.

A chimpanzee trekking permit in Nyungwe National Park costs USD 250 for foreign non-residents, USD 75 for foreign residents, and USD 25 for members of the East African Community. Travelers on a Rwanda safari are required to present a valid chimpanzee trekking permit on the day of the trekking. Only eight (8) people are allowed to trek a particular chimpanzee family or group once a day.

The Chimpanzee Trekking Adventure

As you venture into Nyungwe National Park, a team of experienced guides and trackers will accompany you. Divided into small groups, you will embark on an exhilarating hike through the dense rainforest, navigating its winding trails and embracing the natural beauty that surrounds you. The guides possess intimate knowledge of the chimpanzee groups’ whereabouts, increasing your chances of an unforgettable encounter. During the trekking, you will walk through the rugged terrain while enjoying the sweet melodies of birds. Nyungwe National Park is one of the best birding destinations in Africa.

Additionally, you will enjoy the true breeze of the wilderness. The experienced safari guides make your chimpanzee trekking adventure easy. They take time to monitor and know where these gentle giants spent the previous night before you do the trekking. With the help of expert safari rangers and guides, your chimpanzee trekking tour can never go wrong.

Encountering the Chimpanzee

Did you know that like mountain gorillas, chimpanzees stay in groups known as families? Each chimpanzee family is trekked by 8 people in a day. This is meant for sustainability reasons as well as respecting wildlife. As you approach the chimpanzee group, a sense of anticipation fills the air. Silently, you observe their intricate social interactions, marvel at their nimble movements through the treetops, and witness their remarkable intelligence firsthand.

Once you meet the chimpanzee family, you will be allowed to spend one hour in their presence. Make the most out of this hour and create remarkable memories on your Rwanda safari. The chimpanzees’ vocalizations echo through the forest, providing a soundtrack to this extraordinary experience. Remember to maintain a respectful distance to ensure both your safety and the well-being of the chimpanzees.

What is the best time to trek chimpanzees in Nyungwe National Park?

Nyungwe National Park welcomes visitors throughout the year, but the best time for chimpanzee trekking is during the dry seasons. From June to September and December to February, the trails are less muddy, making hiking more manageable. Additionally, during these periods, the chimpanzees are typically more active and easier to locate, increasing your chances of a rewarding encounter. However, even during the wetter months, Nyungwe’s rich biodiversity and breathtaking scenery make every trek a memorable experience. Rainy seasons come with a financial advantage since there is less traffic in the parks. This makes it the best time to visit Nyungwe for budget travelers.

Which other activities are done in Nyungwe National Park?

While chimpanzee trekking is undoubtedly a highlight of Nyungwe National Park, there is much more to explore and discover within this pristine wilderness. While planning a safari to Nyungwe National Park, you should consider taking part in more than one safari activities. Some of these activities include;

Canopy Walk: Immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty of the forest canopy through the exhilarating canopy walkway. Suspended high above the ground, this remarkable bridge offers panoramic views of the treetops and allows you to witness the park’s incredible biodiversity from a unique perspective.

Bird Watching: Nyungwe National Park is a paradise for bird enthusiasts, boasting over 200 bird species, including numerous endemic and rare varieties. Grab your binoculars and join a guided bird watching tour to catch a glimpse of these feathered wonders in their natural habitat.

Nature Walks: Explore the diverse ecosystems of Nyungwe through guided nature walks. Encounter charismatic primates such as colobus monkeys, track wildlife footprints, and immerse yourself in the vibrant flora that blankets the forest floor. Each step reveals new wonders and provides opportunities for breathtaking encounters with nature.

Conservation and Responsible Tourism in Nyungwe National Park

Nyungwe National Park is committed to conservation and responsible tourism practices. By participating in chimpanzee trekking and other activities, you contribute to the preservation of this unique ecosystem and the protection of its inhabitants. To ensure sustainable tourism, follow the guidelines provided by the park authorities and guides. Respect the chimpanzees’ natural habitat, minimize your environmental footprint, and embrace a deep sense of stewardship for this precious wilderness.

How do I plan for my chimpanzee trekking safari to Nyungwe National Park?

To embark on a chimpanzee trekking adventure in Nyungwe National Park, follow these essential steps

Obtain Permits: Contact an authorized tour operator to secure your chimpanzee trekking permits. Due to limited availability, it is advisable to book your permits well in advance.

Plan Accommodations: Explore the range of accommodation options near Nyungwe National Park, including lodges and guesthouses that cater to different budgets and preferences. Booking your accommodation in advance ensures a comfortable stay during your exploration of the park. Additionally, booking your accommodation through a reputable tour operator saves a lot.

Travel Arrangements: Arrange your transportation to Nyungwe National Park, which can be reached by road or air. If traveling by road, plan for the journey from Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda, which is approximately 3hours away.

Pack Appropriately: Prepare for your trek by packing essentials such as sturdy walking shoes, lightweight and breathable clothing, a hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, a rain jacket, a small backpack, snacks, and sufficient water. Don’t forget your camera and binoculars to capture the incredible moments and wildlife sightings.

Follow Safety Guidelines: Listen attentively to your guides and adhere to their instructions during the trek. They possess valuable expertise in ensuring your safety and the well-being of the chimpanzees. Respect the park regulations and maintain a respectful distance from the chimpanzees to minimize disturbance.


Chimpanzee trekking in Nyungwe National Park is an extraordinary adventure that offers a glimpse into the lives of our closest primate relatives. From the anticipation of the trek to the exhilarating encounters in the rainforest, every moment is filled with wonder and discovery. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of Nyungwe’s pristine wilderness, and let the chimpanzees captivate your heart and mind. As you embark on this remarkable journey, remember to tread lightly, respect the wildlife, and cherish the privilege of witnessing nature’s wonders firsthand. Nyungwe National Park awaits, ready to unveil its secrets and forge an indelible connection between humans and chimpanzees in the heart of Rwanda’s natural splendor.

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